Bee moved to Singapore from the beautiful island of Boracay, Philippines, to join us as a Co-Teacher in Toddler Class.
She has over 10 years of teaching experience ranging from infants to adults, and is most passionate about working with the youngest preschoolers. She enjoys incorporating stories, art, songs and messy play to her classes.
After getting her degree in Early Childhood Education, Bee gained more experience teaching in the United States and became more interested in the socio-emotional development of children. She believes that Preschool age is the time where good learning habits are formed and positive self-esteem is built.
Outside of school, Bee continues her love for teaching by working on a passion project called BeeCreative. She makes learning materials and craft kits that will help raise funds for impoverished children to be able to access fun and exciting learning activities.
In her free time, she remains as energetic as she is in the classroom. Bee enjoys working out, long swims in the ocean and snorkeling (she is a recreational triathlete (!), and is aiming to complete several big races this year!). She dreams of swimming around an island and to be able to free dive someday.