PLAYBALL – ball skills and gross motor-skills
PLAYBALL – focuses on introductory ball skills and gross motor-skills for children between the ages of 2-6.
The Goal:
Playball is unique amongst sports programmes because of our approach to sports instruction. We use a game-based approach. Our research and development team has developed an exclusive curriculum of games that incorporate movement and sports skills for eight popular sports. Playball is more than just sports instruction. We take a holistic approach and believe that our classes promote physical, emotional, cognitive and social development. For example, children learn valuable skills in attention and concentration, develop confidence, form and solidify friendships.
In the QuIPS ART PROGRAM taught by our new dedicated Art Teacher, Ms Paula, students will explore mediums, tools, techniques to create individual expressions of art;
They will work with Colours: mixing, moving, watch effects with additives like salt, extra water, glue, foam, sand.
Students will use tools and explore different techniques: different brushes, strokes, control and manipulation; they will learn language such as scraping, splatting, bristling, wavy, scratching, filling, outlining, tracing, and textures & effects. By the end of this year they will learn that art is about observing shapes: Drawing for expression, learning that lines tell stories, refining fine motor control, imagination with shapes, having fun with Silhouettes. They will create works of art using natural and recycled materials: leaves, stones, twigs. The children will Sculpt using different media.
MUSIC & DRAMA will be taught by Ms Stephanie, a teacher whose passion is to bring the love of melody and theatre to young children.
Her music program will introduce elementary concepts of music to QuIPS Students in a hip and fun way! Additionally, she will promote and tap into their creative expression through role-play and storytelling.
The children will have plenty of opportunity to practice their Vocal skills: understanding pitch and volume in a range of songs and performances based on themes in the class.
Students will explore movement with variations in space (high low etc.), time (freeze, stop, go) and energy (slow, fast, free flowing, staccato etc.).
Beat and Rhythms will be introduced through instruments and the sounds they make to frame early understanding in music; working on simple patterns (beats); learning about tempo and how notes are created from patterns in sounds.
QuIPS Students will learn basic greetings and everyday vocabulary in Mandarin
Through songs, fun games, traditional celebrations, cooking and easy to follow storybooks, students continue to expand on their high frequency words, common names, colours, numbers, body parts and verbs, gradually learning simple sentence construction.
Once again the students will be joining a storytelling session with Ms Maureen.
Then, each child selects a book they want to take home to share with their families.
Library will take place every Monday starting 10 September 2018.