** This Club is not taking place during Season 1 (new sign-ups will be open in November 2019 to start in January 2020)
We use games and group improvisations the students work towards developing good listening skills, turn taking and the need to work together as a team. We gently introduce the preliminary skills of drama and encourage an appreciation and love of literature. The children learn through improvised drama, music, mime and movement drawn from favourite books, poems and stories. They start within the safety net of the group and as self-confidence develops, begin to take on individual roles. Here the students start to acquire the basic skills of drama, the need for clear speech and an expressive voice and body
Aims of the class To develop self-confidence, sociability, expression, creativity and imaginative skills.
Suitability This class is suitable for all children from the under confident to build self-esteem to the real drama enthusiast.
Up to 12 STUDENTS.