What is Quayside Isle Preparatory School all about?
Quayside Isle Preparatory School is a preschool for ages 2 years to 6 years. Situated on the gorgeous island of Sentosa, we celebrate nature!
Why Sentosa?
Studies show links between access to nature and ability to sustain concentration, delay gratification and cope with stressors. We believe our children are environmental ambassadors of the future.
What language do children know best?
ALL children speak one language and that is the language of play. Ethnographic observations of children’s play show that games are more imaginative and creative in natural habitats. Just observe kids playing outdoors or by the seashore, puddles and rock pools and notice how engaged they are!
So how do our children learn about nature- in a building?
Our children see, observe, probe and investigate in the outdoors and then continue all those great conversations in class. This helps them assimilate experiences and consolidate knowledge. The learning loop provides an authentic opportunity to really connect and keep curiosities alive. As early educators, one of our main goals is to encourage children to explore. Language expands with new finds and new vocabulary, and this journey takes them towards a real appreciation of how diverse life on our planet really is. Big ideas that resonate in powerful ways with little children.
The beauty of connecting with nature…
When adults are stressed, they turn to meditation, exercise or whatever help they can get to help cope. What do kids know and have? When a child experiences pleasant memories that feed into his/her senses whilst at school (the sound of waves, the view of an open sea, birds chirping – anything sensorial that we draw their attention to and explore with), these memories in turn form a reservoir of calm for them to draw upon when needed.
What we want for our children …
To connect with the natural world, embracing all they see. With exploration comes discovery and as children interact with their environment, they get to know and care for it with a sense of everlasting wonder and appreciation.